Robotic Process Automation
Automating repetitive time-consuming tasks and activities.
RPA is the future of automation of work processes in the world and is applicable in various industries
According to a new report published by KBV Research, The global Robotic Process Automation market size is expected to reach $7.2 billion by 2025.
- Administration and reporting
- Customer support
- Data migration and extraction
- Analysis for decision management and product development
- Compliance-reporting
By industry demand is growing in the following sectors that Flyhub will target
- Retail-FMCGs that need to operate both e-commerce ad brick and mortar
- Manufacturing and logistics for tracking inventory
- Financial services to automate payments, reconciliation, customer care
- Health care to track patient records ad inventory
- Hospitality for bookings and offers
- Government and utilities companies – the key multiplier for digital economy
- Development work- push for digital economy in Mastercard, gates Foundation means that funding opportunities are also available . This can allow for Medium sized enterprises to benefit from data driven decisions and automated assistance